
If you are prosecuted in court, the amount you are fined and the number of points you receive (or the disqualification period) will firstly be determined by the speed you were travelling over the posted limit, combined with a percentage of your weekly income.

This is capped at £1000, or £2500 if you’re caught on the motorway. 

Can I plead not guilty to my speeding offence?

If you’re adamant you weren’t speeding but have been issued a fine, you can plead not guilty. The situation gets a bit more complex from here. 

If you’re convinced of your innocence, then it’s the proper course of action and it will probably involve a trip to court. But if you lose your case, you could be fined more and receive more penalty points. 

Your fine may be reduced if you are deemed to be of ‘good character’, and the court may even take into account speeding for a genuine emergency.

What are the different types of speed cameras?

There are a variety of different speed-detecting technologies on British roads today – many of which you will see on your day-to-day commute and some of which you might not have heard of. Here are the most common.

Remember: all speed cameras have to be coloured bright yellow by law, so there’s no excuse for missing them. Police vans are, by design, harder to spot from a distance. 


Most commonly mounted on a pole at the side of a single or dual carriageway, the Truvelo speed camera uses a front-facing lens to record your speed, backed up by a matrix of small squares painted on the road (secondary evidence of speed is required with all fixed-position cameras). 

While images of motorcycle numberplates can be tricky to capture due to their lack of front registrations, the Truvelo can identify drivers of other vehicles, adding a further layer of evidence if a prosecution is disputed. 

More recently, a Truvelo D-Cam has been launched for motorway applications, with front- and rear-facing capabilities.
