
On the road, there’s a reassuring level of stability whether it be on the motorway or in town. The car doesn’t wander or twitch under power or heavy braking and the rear axle doesn’t bounce or feel too stiff over ruts and imperfections. The brakes themselves feel stronger and more progressive than those in the Grenadier. 

The steering, meanwhile, has a vagueness that doesn’t work so much in its favour on-road as off, because you find yourself having to guess how much lock to put on to go round a given corner or roundabout. But after a while we suspect it will be easy to get used to, and this is probably exacerbated by the car’s 60-section 265-diameter off-road tyres.

Going round bends it becomes obvious how well the car controls its mass. At no point does it feel wayward, and the ability of the anti-roll bars and suspension to counter pitch or heave makes for planted and generally well-controlled road manners. 

Its low-speed ride can get quite busy, however, particularly on poorer road surfaces, which means the higher level of relative comfort on offer in a Ford Ranger will be more appealing.

Also worth a mention is its turning circle, which at 12.5m is tight enough to negotiate you out of even the tightest spots both on-road and off it. For reference, the Ranger’s turning circle is 12.7m, while the Amarok’s is 12.9m.

Off road, the steering is accurate enough that you trust its judgement when you’re coming up to the crest of a hill and can’t see the way down.

Generally, the car’s performance off the beaten track is stellar. Isuzu boasts that its four-wheel drive system is the fastest-engaging in its sector, getting the rear driveshafts online in just 0.69sec at speeds of up to 65mph. Approaching a steep incline, deep pool of water or narrow, muddy rut, the car’s ability to take it all in its stride defies all expectations.

Particularly in Mudmaster V-Cross trim, which is unchanged from the standard car underneath, this is an unfathomably capable car off road, and impressively it can hold a candle to the Grenadier.
