
“Killer Body Count” centers on a young woman named Cami who is mistaken for a sex addict by her religiously devout father, who sends her off to an isolated rehabilitation center in the wilderness for at-risk youth. But shortly after arrival, a killer in a devil mask starts hunting Cami and the other patients at the center, they’re thrust into a fight for their lives. If this sounds like the Blumhouse flick “They/Them” but set at a different type of camp for troubled teens, take solace in knowing that based on the trailer, not all of the teens here are straight so there’s certainly some great queer horror themes to explore as well. Cassiel Eatock-Winnik stars as Cami George, and is joined by Savana Tardieu as Wyatt, Khosi Ngema as Ali, N’kone Mametja as Mia, Alex McGregor as Tawny, Bjorn Steinbach as Eugene, and Jessie Diepeveen as Bree.

While Esterhazy served as director, the screenplay comes from Jessica Landry, who has also penned made-for-TV thrillers like “A Podcast to Die For,” “Deadly Mom Retreat,” and “Cheerleader Abduction.” Perhaps what is most exciting is how unapologetically this film is courting Gen Z audiences, with jokes about only knowing how a rotary phone works because they saw it on “Stranger Things,” and even the wordplay of the title. For those unaware, “body count” is slang for how many sexual partners a person has had, so the double entendre is a thing of beauty.

“Killer Body Count” arrives on Tubi on Friday, May 17, 2024.
